Jacqueline Landess, MD, JD
Board Member
Cari Anne Renlund is Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary at Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE), a community energy company located in Madison, Wisconsin. She is the officer in charge of the Legal and Risk Management; Safety, Sustainability and Environmental Affairs; Government Affairs and NERC Compliance. In this role, Cari Anne also leads partnerships with investors and external stakeholders, including a partnership with the City of Madison to help achieve common energy goals.
She serves on the Boards of MGE Foundation, Inc., a charitable foundation that supports a broad range of nonprofit organizations in the MGE service territory; Dane Workforce Housing Fund, a fund started to create new Affordable Workforce Housing units in Dane County; Customers First Coalition, an alliance for reliable electric service, stable electric rates, and effective consumer protections in Wisconsin; and the Wisconsin Utilities Association. She is also a trustee of the William F. Vilas Trust which supports faculty, students, and the arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
She is a graduate of University of Wisconsin Law School and St. Norbert College. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her husband, and they have two grown sons. She is an avid lover of Wisconsin sports.

Restoring Roots is in the process of becoming a long-term, affordable, residential/transitional housing, education, and job training option for individuals with substance use disorder.
We need help to make it happen!
Find out how you can make a difference in someones life
Email: info@restoringroots.org
Phone: (608) 571-7646
P.O. Box 620233,
Middleton, Wisconsin 53562
EIN# 82-3288136